About Us - EverGenius® Business Growth Software

From: Bob Mangat, Author, Founder EverGenius®
Subject: Calling ALL Business Owners

Check out this typical struggling business owner’s office.
Maybe it looks like yours?

They’re spending a bunch of money on marketing, websites and social media – but they have no idea if it’s working… because they really have no idea what they’re doing. They’ve hired a marketing company and all they ever do is send you some stats at the end of the month. (Which they have NO clue what it means).  You see they may generate leads but a BIG chunk of leads generated online don’t show up for appointments – more money lost there. They’re spinning their wheels when it comes to attracting new clients and actually getting them in the door.

Then came… EverGenius®.

Now, they have an efficient and effective marketing system. And best of all? They know exactly where their marketing dollars are being spent. They’re bringing in more new clients than ever, boosting revenues, and growing the business… all while doing less work.

With EverGenius, every office function can be controlled and coordinated from one place, a simple scoreboard like dashboard.

We know the struggles you face in marketing, appointment scheduling, setting up a website, safeguarding your online reputation from negative reviews, and maintaining a social presence… For 15+ years, we’ve specialized in helping businesses set up systems that attract more potential customers and clients. And we focus on converting those leads into paying customers and raving fans.

BUT.. You shouldn’t have to pay thousands each month to get access to something like this. I’ve made it my personal mission to help 1,000,000 (1 Million) small business owners take back their life and build a business of their dreams without the tech overwhelm.  EverGenius® solves that problem.


Some of our Rockstar users sharing how they use EverGenius® to power their Brands.