wali, Author at EverGenius® Business Growth Software

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Do You Really Understand Your Brand’s Reputation?

A crucial part of any business is having a strong brand with which your market engages. Their experience with your brand is what helps them decide whether to buy your products or services over your competition. The question becomes, how well do you understand your...
wali March 25, 2019
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3 Reasons Why a Website is More Valuable Than You Think

Today, everyone is actively online. We live in an information age where anything we want to know is practically at our fingertips. For your business to compete, it is a non-negotiable for you to not only have a website but an easy to navigate, professional looking...
wali March 06, 2019
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How to Master Social Media Marketing For Your Business

These days it seems everyone and their uncle is on at least one social media channel. It can sometimes feel overwhelming because there are so many different “strategies” for mastering the social media game and the dreaded “algorithm”. The truth is that you don’t need...
wali February 27, 2019
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Eliminate No-Shows with Automated Appointment Reminders

We all need a helpful reminder every now and then. With the pressure of our always-on-the-go lifestyles, sometimes we can forget to show up for meetings that really matter to us! If a client forgets to join your call, or a customer forgets to show up for their...
wali February 26, 2019
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